War Administration of the Railways in the United States and Great Britain Leer más sobre War Administration of the Railways in the United States and Great Britain
Economic Effects of the War Upon Women and Children in Great Breitain Leer más sobre Economic Effects of the War Upon Women and Children in Great Breitain
Effects of the War Upon Insurance, With Special Reference to the Substitution of Insurance for Pensions Leer más sobre Effects of the War Upon Insurance, With Special Reference to the Substitution of Insurance for Pensions
The Financial History of Great Britain, 1914-1918 Leer más sobre The Financial History of Great Britain, 1914-1918
Preliminary Economic Studies of the War / Disabled Soldiers and Sailors Pensions and Training Leer más sobre Preliminary Economic Studies of the War / Disabled Soldiers and Sailors Pensions and Training
Effects of the War Money, Credit and Banking in France and the United States Leer más sobre Effects of the War Money, Credit and Banking in France and the United States
Early Effects of the European War Upon the Finance, Commerce and Industry of Chile Leer más sobre Early Effects of the European War Upon the Finance, Commerce and Industry of Chile