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Volume I.- Geneva Arbitration. Containing the case of the United States, the case of great britain; the counter case of the United States; and a portion of the additional documents, correspondence, and evidence which accompanied the same.Incluye índice alfabético p. 191-204 y un mapa en hoja desplegable VolumeII. Geneva arbitration containg the remainder of the papers accompanying the counter case of the United States; counter case of her britannic majesty's government; instructions to the agent and counsel of the United States, and proceedings at geneva arbitration, and the proposed suplemental article to the treaty; and declaration of sir stafford northcote at exeter.Incluye un mapa en hoja desplegable.Incluye un mapa en hoja desplegable. Volumen lll; Containing the argument of the United States; argument of her britannic majesty's government; and supplementary satatements or arguments made by the respective agents or counsel. Incluye un mapa en hoja desplegable e indice alfabético. Volume IV. Geneva arbitration. Containing the report of the agent of the United States protocols of the conferences; decision and award of the tribunal; opinions of the arbitrators; reply of the secretary of state, acknowledging the receit of the report of the agent of the United States, and commeting upon the opinion of the arbitrator appointed by her britannic majesty; report of the counsel of the United States; and opinions of statesmen, magazines, and journals of great britain and the continent on the construction of the treaty Incluye apéndice e índice alfabético.Volume V. Geneva arbitration. Containing the memorial of the United States on the canal de haro as its boundary-line; case of the government of her britannic majesty; reply of the United States thereto; second and definitive statement of the government of her britannic majesty; and correspondence.Incluye 17 mapas.
1. E.U.A.-Relaciones exteriores-Tratados.